Textures of One Art Prize

Award presentation at the inaugural Textures of One Art Prize, 2014.

Textures of One Art Prize was first established in 2014. The unique exhibition accepts all mediums with an annual motif selected each year to be included in the entries.

  • President: Cecily Walters
    Vice President: Loretta Kervin
    Secretary/Treasurer: Kerryn Hughes

    “Cecily and Loretta from Barry, two serious amateur artists, who have come up with a great concept to run a three-day art and craft exhibition in Blayney next year, called Textures of One. They're planning a few spinoff activities, too, and the aim is to bring more people into Blayney shire for the veent to showcase our creativity.” - Blayney Chronicle


    Exhibition Champion ($1000 prize money): Wanda Driscoll ‘Spirit of the land’

    First Prize, Other Medium $100 prize money: Wendy Smith ‘Earth Harmony’

    Other Medium Category, Highly Commended: Donna Seage ‘From my garden’

    Textile Category, First Prize $100 prize money: Sandy and Tom Fullerton ‘And from the Ashes’

    Art Category, First Prize $100 prize money: Wanda Driscoll, ‘Spirit of the Land’

    Art Category, Highly Commended: Jan Dickie ‘The Crossing’

    People’s Choice $100: Lisa Davis ‘Memorial of War’

    Keith Walter Encouragement Award $50: Leonie Kervin

    Sponsors: Essential Energy & Blayney Shire Council, Arts Out West, Blayney High School P & C & Blayney Anglican Church.

  • Exhibition statement: “Textures Of One is non profit organisation. It is a Diverse Exhibition where any medium is accepted. eg. Paint, Fabric, Glass, Sculpture etc. The Committee will choose a specific motif each year which must be included in your work. We want your imagination to take you on a journey of colours, season, who & what to create you pieces."

  • Winners:

    EXHIBITION CHAMPION - Drops of Time by Penny May

    1st Art - Drops of Time by Penny May

    Highly Commended Art - A-M-Azing by Donna Seage

    1st Textiles - Time Piece by Gloria Muddle

    Highly Commended Textiles - Time Waits For No Man - Lyle Fullerton

    1st Decorative - Making the 7:32 by Tim Kervin

    Highly Commended Decorative - Don't Be A Passenger by Donna Seage

    Keith Walters Encouragement Award - Time Piece by Gloria Muddle

    Dean Mobbs Colourization Award - What A Way To Go by Rachel Macpherson

    Deans Mobbs Encouragement Awards - Moment Of Ruin by Emma Chapman & Drops Of Time by Penny May

    Blayney Shire Council Acquisitive Prize - A Moment In Time by Wanda Driscoll

    People's Choice - 7:30 Bathurst to Newbridge by Jan Dickie

  • First exhibition held at Platform Arts Hub Blayney.

Textures of One archives

We are currently putting together a history of the Textures of One Art Prize. See below for annual motifs and winners over the years. If you have additional information to add to our collection, please get in touch.

Presentation to Wanda Driscoll by committee members, Toni, Kerryn, Cecily and Loretta, 2014

2014 Textures of One Sponsorship Packages

Textures of One 2014 in the Western Advocate